RKOrgansations Services:
One-offs: ( ad duration 3 days)
One-off Social advertisement post on TikTok: From £85
One-off Social advertisement post on Google: From £150
One-off Social advertisement post on Facebook & Instagram From £75
Ad - Campaigns (reach)
Basic Ad -Campaign
Instagram & Facebook: Guaranteed minimum reach of 50,000, helping you connect with an engaged audience to grow your music presence.
YouTube: Achieve at least 17,000 views and 110,000 impressions, ensuring your content gains the exposure it deserves.
Enhanced Ad - Campaign
Instagram & Facebook: Gain exposure to an engaged audience with a guaranteed 43,400 reach across both platforms.
YouTube: Amplify your video content with a guaranteed 51,000 views, turning passive viewers into active supporters
Premium Ad - Campagin
YouTube: A guaranteed minimum of 100,000 views, putting your content in front of a massive, engaged audience.
Instagram & Facebook: A combined reach of 61,000, connecting you to the right audience at the right time
Ad - campaign (engagement)
Basic ad - campaign
Spotify: A guaranteed minimum of 15,200 impressions followed by a unique audience of 15,200 engaged listeners.
YouTube: Achieve at least 17,000 views and 110,000 impressions, 3,700 clicks ensuring your content gains the exposure it deserves.
TikTok: At least 8,700 video views targeted towards people who will engage and follow your page
Enhanced ad - campaign
Spotify: At least 33,000 impressions, and reaching 30,000 to your desired audience
Youtube: At least 250,000 impressions and 12,000 clicks
TikTok: At least 16.2 thousand video views, targeted towards people who will engage and follow your page
Premium ad - campaign
Spotify: Up to 61,000 impressions, reaching 60,000 in your desired target audience
YouTube: Reaching up to 520,000 impressions and 26,000 link clicks
TikTok: At least 21,000 thousand video views, again, targeted towards an audience who will engage and follow your page